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Human Touch in Tech Insights from K24

Written by Marci Parker | May 13, 2024 3:12:15 PM

This blog intends to give you insights on what is real in a world of artificial intelligence.

ServiceNow wrapped their annual conference on Thursday and I have recovered enough to put some thoughts and experiences out to the world.   In an era dominated by discussions of GenAI, I feel it’s worth mentioning this was written by a human.

Let’s cover real use cases of GenAI, benefits of human interactions, and some actionable takeaways!

Customers Using GenAI to make work work better

Day 2 kicked off with the keynote by ServiceNow’s President, CJ Desai. Always entertaining and informative, CJ petitioned for “AI with Desai” which would be a perfect tagline for him.


For me, I love the real examples supplied during this discussion.  Live demos from customers with demonstrations of how the NowAssist products are in use, making interactions with customers and employees seamless and natural.  

The Value of Human Interaction

My first Knowledge was in 2013 and I haven't missed one since.  Eleven years later, I know generally what to expect from the conference and from myself.  The biggest benefit (and the one we all missed the most in 2020 and 2021!) is the personal interactions with other attendees.

If I can describe the energy of the attendees with one phrase, it's "good vibes."  Everyone I interact with is friendly and respectful, and proud to share what they've accomplished in their ServiceNow journey.  

  • During a quick break on a comfy couch, I met a leader from a major retail chain attending her first conference.  With her background in HR, she is excited to complete their initial rollout in Tech Excellence and move straight to EMployee Workflows.  
  • During Lunch, I met a developer from a manufacturing company and we shared stories about our career journeys and the changes we've seen and shared excitement about what is ahead
  • In the Expo Hall, I met up with ServiceNow connections and caught up on what they are focused on now and shared what is happening with Astrica.  The genuine, caring support we feel from our partner in ServiceNow is immeasurable!

Where digital communication often prevails, I love meeting customers, ServiceNow employees and partners in person.  There's nothing else like it! 

Where Do Introverts Fit In?

As an introvert, attending events like this has intimidated me in the past.  It took me a while to figure out I am an introvert - I love these but also fight feeling so of exhaustion and dread.  For my fellow introverts, I have included some strategies to help us introverts navigate these events effectively.

  • Create some buffer time - you'll need time to absorb and recharge your batteries during the conference.  Don't book yourself to maximum capacity
  • Have normal conversations - knowing an elevator pitch of what your company does and what you're planning with ServiceNow is great.  Even better is getting to know the person first.  Have some non-work questions in mind to get things started.
  • Don't let FOMO wear you down - the availability of parties during the event can be extra taxing.  By the end of the conference, all I wanted was a bubble bath and a nap.  Sorry Mr. Worldwide, maybe next time I'll make the show.
  • Define 3 Goals for the conference - there's SO much to intake.  By defining what is important for you, selecting where your time is spent is much easier, leaving you with the energy and focus you need!

Memorable Quotes

Some things I heard thought the week - highlighting the good vibes and the demand behind GenAI is real, but also needs strong support to make it a reality for business.

  • "GenAI is in every conversation and I am finally feeling like I can see where it fits in my space.  The business value is the next big hurdle.  More investments need the strongest of ROIs for us." "I can't believe how friendly and open everyone is with each other.  I've never attended a conference with this type of energy before." 
  • "I met a VP of IT in the taxi line.  Without this conference, it would have taken weeks to have that interaction arranged." 
  • "We have over 30 people from my company here, each with goals to learn about what's happening with ServiceNow and how we plan for the future." 

Actionable Takeaways

Now that we're back home and rested (mostly), it's important to create momentum from the experience.  What are your next steps to take this week, this quarter, and what to keep in mind for the next year’s conference?
    • Make new connections last - connect via email or on LinkedIn.  Schedule a future conversation in the coming days or weeks to continue and mature your connection 
    • Share key learnings with stakeholders - prepare an executive briefing for your key stakeholders covering what you see as future opportunities for your organization.  (We can help!
    • Create more Champions by encouraging stakeholders to consider attending the next conference.  

From one human to another, I hope to see you next year!