Astrica | Resource Center

Michael vs. Toby: ServiceNow HRSD AI Tools to the Rescue

Written by Lola Daley | Aug 7, 2024 5:50:41 PM

We all know Toby Flenderson, Human Resources Manager at Dunder Mifflin. And we all know how Michael Scott feels about him:  

"I tried. I tried to talk to Toby and be his friend, but that is like trying to be friends with an evil snail."

(Does this AI-generated image do justice to Michael's imagery ??)


Well, Michael, we have good news! With ServiceNow’s AI-powered Now Assist, you needn’t have so many painstaking interactions with Toby...  

...Now Assist enables employees to quickly and efficiently receive service without necessarily requiring back-and-forth interactions with HR agents.


How Now Assist makes things easier for employees

  • Multi-turn chats within Virtual Agent, a conversational chatbot 
  • Easy-to-digest search query results that distill knowledge base articles into a summarized paragraph. (Example video: requesting parental leave) 
  • GenAI enabled Q&A for knowledge articles 

But there's more! Now Assist benefits Toby as well...


How Now Assist makes things easier for HR agents

  • Case Deflection: Thanks to the increased employee self-service described above, HR agents can focus their energy on more complex, high-level tasks.  

  • Suggested Resolutions: AI can provide guidance to HR agents to help them more quickly resolve cases.

  • Case Summarization: HR agents can instantly view a summary of a case topic, action items, and resolutions: 

Click on the image to read more

The bottom line. 

HR processes are more efficient and streamlined than ever. Michael is happy. Toby is happy.  

Astrica is here to tame the Michaels and Tobys in your organization! We can navigate the relationships (and even temper tantrums!) you may encounter while also keeping you current on the latest in Now Assist capabilities!  


🚨 DISCLAIMER 🚨: We have the utmost respect for all of the hardworking, skilled HR employees out there and do not share Michael's unfounded hatred of the department/its personification.    


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